About Us

Committee Opportunities

Main article image for story titled 'Committee Opportunities'Did you know there are several existing committees that you could join? 

Are you currently on a committee?

Is your committee meeting?

Do you have an idea about forming a new one? 

Please Read More and let us (Board of Directors) know how you want to be involved. 

All committees welcome new participation and ideas.

Committee Name
Aurora United
1.Club Administration & Fellowship - programs, member communications, club events
    2. Relaxation Wednesday Committee
3. Club Contributions-Grants
4. Community Service - Service Projects
5. DEI-Scholarships, District Liaison
6. Fundraising - Wine & Chocolate and new ideas
7. International Service
8. Membership- Orientation, Engagement, Retention
9. Public Relations-website, social media, print
10. Rotary Foundation- Grants, Paul Harris, Polio Plus, District Liason
11. Youth Services-Youth Exchange, Interact Clubs
12. Board of Directors 2023-2024

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